Total summary

Type of machine Name of product Material Semi-products Maximum dimensions of the work piece Operating time without clamping Industry
Hexagonal svrew SPM 16Info-circled-alt Hexagonal svrew 11600 Bar ø12x15 3.0 Research and developmentInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
car axle SPH 50 DSInfo-circled-alt car axle 12050 weldment with addings for finishing 360x2195 20.5 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
drum MASTURN 550Info-circled-alt drum Al bar ø 40x25 3.8 MiningInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Cooling nozzle MASTURN 32Info-circled-alt Cooling nozzle 12050 Bar ø25x50 6.0 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Cooling nozzle MASTURN 32Info-circled-alt Cooling nozzle 12050 Bar ø15x20 4.0 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Cooling nozzle MASTURN 32Info-circled-alt Cooling nozzle 12050 Bar ø15x20 4.0 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Cooling nozzle MASTURN 32Info-circled-alt Cooling nozzle 12050 Bar ø15x20 4.0 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Cooler MASTURN 54Info-circled-alt Cooler Al blank ø 60x90 7.5 ElectrotechnicalInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Cooler MASTURN 54Info-circled-alt Cooler Al blank ø 50x70 6.0 ElectrotechnicalInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Cooler MASTURN 54Info-circled-alt Cooler Al blank ø 110x70 8.5 ElectrotechnicalInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Cooler MCV 754 QUICKInfo-circled-alt Cooler Al Cast piece ø 270x120 3.0 ElectrotechnicalInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
cooler SP 280 SMCInfo-circled-alt cooler Al bar diameter 35 30x30x30 5.8 ElectrotechnicalInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Cooler MCV 1270 POWERInfo-circled-alt Cooler Al 130x90x15 128x85x13 22.9 ElectrotechnicalInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Cooling nozzle MASTURN 32Info-circled-alt Cooling nozzle 12050 Bar ø15x20 4.0 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Cooling nozzle MASTURN 32Info-circled-alt Cooling nozzle 12050 Bar ø15x20 4.0 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Cooling nozzle MASTURN 32Info-circled-alt Cooling nozzle 12050 Bar ø15x20 4.0 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Stop MCV 1016 QUICKInfo-circled-alt Stop AL 6082 85x45x15 77x37x10 25.0 Tool shop, toolsInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
stop MCV 1270 POWERInfo-circled-alt stop nerez 20x20x45 15x16x43 4.3 FoodInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
stop MCV 1270 POWERInfo-circled-alt stop Al 35x25x25 30x19x20 3.2 Tool shop, toolsInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
stop MCV 750 SPEEDInfo-circled-alt stop slit.Al block 40x59x19 1.0 Various part productionInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
stop MCV 750 SPEEDInfo-circled-alt stop slit.Al block 129x33x35 6.0 Various part productionInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Holder MASTURN 550Info-circled-alt Holder Plast blank ø50x220 10.0 FoodInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Holder MCV 1016 QUICKInfo-circled-alt Holder Al block ø90x110 20.0 FoodInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
holder MCV 1000 5AX SPEEDInfo-circled-alt holder Al 45x30x15 42x25x13 2.9 Tool shop, toolsInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
holder MCV 1000 5AX SPEEDInfo-circled-alt holder Al 125x90x60 120x85x55 28.4 ElectrotechnicalInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Holder MCV 1016 QUICKInfo-circled-alt Holder Al block 60x60x40 23.6 FoodInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Holder MCV 1016 QUICKInfo-circled-alt Holder Al block 100x50x15 18.3 FoodInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Holder MCV 750 SPEEDInfo-circled-alt Holder tř.19 Block 95x50x50 38.0 MiningInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Holder MCV 750 SPEEDInfo-circled-alt Holder 11600 Block 115x60x20 26.0 MiningInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Holder MCV 750 SPEEDInfo-circled-alt Holder 11600 Block 170x80x7 18.3 MiningInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
holder MCV 1000 5AX SPEEDInfo-circled-alt holder ocel tř.11 Forged piece 192x33x80 7.0 AutomationInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
holder MCV 754 QUICKInfo-circled-alt holder ocel tř.11 80x60x65 70x50x58 9.0 AutomationInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Holder MCV 754 QUICKInfo-circled-alt Holder 12050 Block 80x50x30 20.0 OpticsInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Holder MCV 750 SPEEDInfo-circled-alt Holder 12050 70x75x100 67x72x92 45.0 Transport (railways, ships, other)Info-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Holder MCV 1016 QUICKInfo-circled-alt Holder litina Cast piece 60 x 100 x 100 5.0 Transport (railways, ships, other)Info-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
holder MCV 750 SPEEDInfo-circled-alt holder slit.Al board 75 x 100 x 25 9.5 Musical instrumentsInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
holder MCV 1000 5AX SPEEDInfo-circled-alt holder slit.Al - 123.6 x 90 x 58 70.0 Various part productionInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
holder MCV 1270 POWERInfo-circled-alt holder nerez 45x45x30 38x40x28 15.2 FoodInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
holder of cooler  MCV 1000 5AX SPEEDInfo-circled-alt holder of cooler Al 122x80x30 118x75x24 13.8 ElectrotechnicalInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
holder of electrode SP 280 SMCInfo-circled-alt holder of electrode měď bar diameter 28 pr.28x60 2.1 EnergyInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
engine holder MCV 754Info-circled-alt engine holder 11600 Block 75x52x17 13.0 MiningInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
blade holder MCV 1000 POWERInfo-circled-alt blade holder ČSN11373 60x25x20 55x21x13 8.0 EnergyInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
blade holder MCV 1000 POWERInfo-circled-alt blade holder ČSN11373 45x20x20 42x18x10 6.0 EnergyInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Holder of optical system MCV 754 QUICKInfo-circled-alt Holder of optical system 12050 Block 120x100x80 65.0 OpticsInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
part of breathing device SP 180Info-circled-alt part of breathing device Plast blank ø 40x140 5.0 Research and developmentInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
part of breathing device MCV 1000 5AX SPEEDInfo-circled-alt part of breathing device Plast block 60x60x80 28.0 Research and developmentInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
part of breathing device SP 180Info-circled-alt part of breathing device Plast bar ø 30 2.0 Research and developmentInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
part of breathing device SP 180Info-circled-alt part of breathing device Plast bar ø 20 1.3 Research and developmentInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
part of breathing device SP 180Info-circled-alt part of breathing device Plast bar ø 20 1.7 Research and developmentInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
part of breathing device SP 180Info-circled-alt part of breathing device Plast bar ø 20 1.6 Research and developmentInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
divided ball pin SP 430Info-circled-alt divided ball pin ocel tř.19 D30x55 D29x42 30.0 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Electrode MASTURN 50Info-circled-alt Electrode Cu bar ø 15x90 6.5 Tool shop, toolsInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Electrode MCV 500 QUICKInfo-circled-alt Electrode Cu blank 30x30x300 20.0 MedicalInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Electrode MCV 754 QUICKInfo-circled-alt Electrode Cu Block 31x31x80 17.8 Manufacturing of mouldsInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Electrode MCV 754 QUICKInfo-circled-alt Electrode Cu Block 73x55x30 38.0 Manufacturing of mouldsInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Electrode MCV 754 QUICKInfo-circled-alt Electrode Cu Block 75x30x37 49.0 Manufacturing of mouldsInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Electrode MCV 754 QUICKInfo-circled-alt Electrode Grafit Block 100x48x23 25.0 Manufacturing of mouldsInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Electrode MCV 754 QUICKInfo-circled-alt Electrode Grafit Block 80x40x32 15.0 Manufacturing of mouldsInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Electric engine MASTURN 820i / 2000Info-circled-alt Electric engine slit.Al cast piece Al pr.400x400 3.0 EnergyInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
form SP 280Info-circled-alt form Al bar ø 65x90 15.0 FoodInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
form SP 280Info-circled-alt form Al bar ø 90x60 15.0 FoodInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
form SP 280Info-circled-alt form Al bar ø 70x75 15.0 FoodInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Form MCV 1000 POWERInfo-circled-alt Form tř.19 Block 295x195x57 70.0 Manufacturing of mouldsInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Form MCV 1000 POWERInfo-circled-alt Form 12050 Block 250x250x300 380.0 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
FORM MCV 1016 QUICKInfo-circled-alt FORM Al Block 25x25x25 4.0 FoodInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
form MCV 1016 QUICKInfo-circled-alt form grey iron cast piece 245 x 150 x 100 42.0 Manufacturing of mouldsInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
form MMC 1500 DTInfo-circled-alt form 12050 flat drawn steel 150 x 30 x 300 150.0 Manufacturing of mouldsInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
form MCU 700V-5X SPEEDInfo-circled-alt form ocel tř.15 220x380x115 320.0 Manufacturing of mouldsInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Form for glasses MCU 700V-5X POWERInfo-circled-alt Form for glasses 16MnCr5 150x100x45 150x100x40 55.0 Manufacturing of mouldsInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Head: SP 180Info-circled-alt Head: Al blank ø 50x30 4.0 ElectrotechnicalInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
upper part MCV 754 QUICKInfo-circled-alt upper part 20x20x10 16,5x16x8 7.8 ElectrotechnicalInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Neck MASTURN 50Info-circled-alt Neck Al bar ø20x30 2.5 Transport (railways, ships, other)Info-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Hydraulic  cylinder MASTURN 70 / 3000Info-circled-alt Hydraulic cylinder St52.3 tube ø120 10.0 Pneumatics, hydraulic system, fittingsInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Hydraulic  cube MCV 1000 POWERInfo-circled-alt Hydraulic cube Block 260x120x90 80.0 Pneumatics, hydraulic system, fittingsInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Hydraulic cube MCV 1270 POWERInfo-circled-alt Hydraulic cube nerez Block 28x28x100 23.0 Research and developmentInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
hydraulic cube MCV 1016 QUICKInfo-circled-alt hydraulic cube ocelolitina tooled block 136x132x70 36.8 Pneumatics, hydraulic system, fittingsInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
hydraulic cube MCV 1016 QUICKInfo-circled-alt hydraulic cube Al tooled block 120x90x32 5.9 Pneumatics, hydraulic system, fittingsInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Hydraulic form MCV 1016 QUICKInfo-circled-alt Hydraulic form 12050 Blank 70x110x230 40.0 Tool shop, toolsInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
shaft SP 430 MCInfo-circled-alt shaft nerez bar pr. 30x3000 2.0 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
shaft SP 430 MCInfo-circled-alt shaft nerez bar pr.40x3000 2.0 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
shaft SP 430 MCInfo-circled-alt shaft nerez bar pr.22x3000 3.0 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
shaft SP 430 MCInfo-circled-alt shaft nerez bar pr.16x3000 3.0 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
shaft SP 430 MCInfo-circled-alt shaft nerez bar pr.16x3000 3.0 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
shaft SP 430 MCInfo-circled-alt shaft nerez bar pr.16x3000 2.0 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
shaft SP 430 MCInfo-circled-alt shaft nerez bar 6HR32x3000 4.0 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Shaft SPH 50 DSInfo-circled-alt Shaft 15423 tooled with addings for finishing 120x1500 8.9 Transport (railways, ships, other)Info-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Shaft MASTURN 32Info-circled-alt Shaft 11600 Blank ø20x145 4.8 AutomationInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
impeller 2 MCU 700V-5X SPRINTInfo-circled-alt impeller 2 ocel tř.15 forged piece pr. 585 x 160 mm 3060.0 EnergyInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Impeller, distribution wheel of the compressor MCU 700VT-5X SPRINTInfo-circled-alt Impeller, distribution wheel of the compressor ocel tř.19 - pr. 580x110 mm 3060.0 EnergyInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Calibration ring MASTURN 54Info-circled-alt Calibration ring Ms Bar ø60x20 3.0 Tool shop, toolsInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Calibration ring MASTURN 54Info-circled-alt Calibration ring Ms Bar ø40x15 3.0 Tool shop, toolsInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Calibration ring MASTURN 54Info-circled-alt Calibration ring Ms Bar ø30x12 3.0 Tool shop, toolsInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
pulley MASTURN 50Info-circled-alt pulley Ms Blank ø32x42 6.0 EnergyInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Valve SP 430 MCInfo-circled-alt Valve mosaz cast piece pr.80x20 3.0 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Valve SP 430 MCInfo-circled-alt Valve mosaz cast piece pr.50x20 2.0 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
MULTICUT 630Info-circled-alt 12050 pr.350 x 950 2130.0 Transport (railways, ships, other)Info-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
crank shaft SP 180Info-circled-alt crank shaft 14250 Blank ø33x115 28.0 MiningInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
joint substitute MCU 700V-5X SPRINTInfo-circled-alt joint substitute slit.Al Rolled semi-product pr. 80 x 185 mm 32.0 MedicalInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
wheel SP 280 SMCInfo-circled-alt wheel Al diameter 155x20 pr.149x15 14.5 ElectrotechnicalInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Wheel MULTICUT 500Info-circled-alt Wheel A1N forged piece pr.420x135 38.0 Transport (railways, ships, other)Info-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
wheel of sleeve SP 430 SYInfo-circled-alt wheel of sleeve ocel 45 forged piece pr.180x20 13.8 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
console MCV 1270 POWERInfo-circled-alt console Al 220x45x20 215x40x14 7.2 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Corpus MCH 630Info-circled-alt Corpus grey iron cast piece 520 x 300 x 300 5.5 EnergyInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Cube MCV 500 QUICKInfo-circled-alt Cube 11523 170x70x45 157x58x38 41.0 Pneumatics, hydraulic system, fittingsInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Disk MULTICUT 500Info-circled-alt Disk A1N forged piece pr.469x126 86.0 Transport (railways, ships, other)Info-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
ball SP 430Info-circled-alt ball Al Blank ø 130x100 25.0 AutomationInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Ball MASTURN 32Info-circled-alt Ball 12050 Bar ø50x32 6.0 AutomationInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
box MCV 1270 POWERInfo-circled-alt box Plast 65x30x20 60x25x14 2.3 ElectrotechnicalInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Ring MASTURN 32Info-circled-alt Ring nerez from the rod ø60x7 3.0 FoodInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Ring MASTURN 32Info-circled-alt Ring nerez blank ø65x25 6.0 FoodInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
ring SP 280 SMCInfo-circled-alt ring mosaz tube diameter 195x150x20 pr.191x14 7.8 EnergyInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Ring MASTURN 550Info-circled-alt Ring 11600 Blank ø90x30 9.0 AgriculturalInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Ring MASTURN 32Info-circled-alt Ring 11600 Blank ø55x15 4.0 Various part productionInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Sealing ring MASTURN 32Info-circled-alt Sealing ring 12050 Bar ø50x22 5.5 AutomationInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Cover component MCV 1016 QUICKInfo-circled-alt Cover component 11523 weldment 200x300x3 2.5 Transport (railways, ships, other)Info-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
ball pin SPP 160Info-circled-alt ball pin tř.17 Blank ø30x75 8.0 MiningInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Ball pin MASTURN 50Info-circled-alt Ball pin 12050 Forged piece ø70x190 20.0 MiningInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
ball pin MASTURN 50Info-circled-alt ball pin 12050 Blank ø35x70 6.5 Transport (railways, ships, other)Info-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Ball pin MASTURN 550Info-circled-alt Ball pin 12050 Blank ø40x90 8.0 Transport (railways, ships, other)Info-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Ball pin MASTURN 54Info-circled-alt Ball pin 11523 Blank ø35x85 6.7 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
drill holder MCU 700V-5X POWERInfo-circled-alt drill holder ocel tř.15 - 120x180x500 44.0 MiningInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Sealing form MCV 1000 POWERInfo-circled-alt Sealing form Al block 70x120x280 360.0 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
left side MCV 754 QUICKInfo-circled-alt left side 35x16x5 34x15x3,5 4.9 ElectrotechnicalInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
pressing mould MCV 1000 POWERInfo-circled-alt pressing mould tř.19 block 45x50x235 58.0 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
bar MCV 1270 POWERInfo-circled-alt bar Al 75x18x10 70x14x7 11.8 ElectrotechnicalInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
bar MCV 1270 POWERInfo-circled-alt bar Al 225x55x20 222x50x15 16.5 ElectrotechnicalInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
bar MCV 1270 POWERInfo-circled-alt bar Al 200x55x10 195x50x6 5.8 ElectrotechnicalInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
propeller MCU 700VT-5X SPRINTInfo-circled-alt propeller slit.Al Rolled semi-product pr. 200 x 150 mm 135.0 Transport (railways, ships, other)Info-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
propeller MCU 700V-5X SPRINTInfo-circled-alt propeller AL 6082 pr. 200x90 mm 68.0 Transport (railways, ships, other)Info-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Plate MCV 750 SPEEDInfo-circled-alt Plate 12050 Block 50x65x220 100.0 EnergyInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Plate MCV 750 SPEEDInfo-circled-alt Plate 1.4021 Flat steel 175 x 60 x 20 25.0 EnergyInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Plate MCV 1000 SPEEDInfo-circled-alt Plate 1.4021 Flat steel 175 x 60 x 20 15.0 EnergyInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
shovel MASTURN 70 / 3000Info-circled-alt shovel ocel tř.11 forged piece pr.450x400 20.2 EnergyInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Bearing plate MCV 1000 POWERInfo-circled-alt Bearing plate Al block 50x220x300 33.5 MiningInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Handle MASTURN 32Info-circled-alt Handle 11600 Blank ø25x55 4.6 AutomationInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Nut MASTURN 50Info-circled-alt Nut Al bar ø25x25 3.2 Transport (railways, ships, other)Info-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Nut MASTURN 50Info-circled-alt Nut Al bar ø30x12 3.4 Transport (railways, ships, other)Info-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Nut MASTURN 54Info-circled-alt Nut nerez blank ø70x17 8.0 FoodInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Nut MASTURN 54Info-circled-alt Nut nerez blank ø 30x35 4.6 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Nut MASTURN 550Info-circled-alt Nut Al bar ø 40x15 3.0 MiningInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Nut SP 430Info-circled-alt Nut Al Blank ø 135x35 22.0 AutomationInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
NUT MASTURN 50Info-circled-alt NUT 11600 Bar ø20x25 4.2 EnergyInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
NUT MASTURN 50Info-circled-alt NUT 12050 Blank ø55x55 5.0 Transport (railways, ships, other)Info-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
NUT MASTURN 50Info-circled-alt NUT Al Blank ø50x55 14.0 EnergyInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
NUT MASTURN 50Info-circled-alt NUT Ms hexagon 32x25 2.9 EnergyInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
NUT MASTURN 50Info-circled-alt NUT Ms Blank ø20x15 2.2 EnergyInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
NUT MASTURN 50Info-circled-alt NUT Ms Bar ø27x15 4.0 EnergyInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Nut MASTURN 50Info-circled-alt Nut 11600 bar ø45x30 7.2 Transport (railways, ships, other)Info-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Nut MASTURN 54Info-circled-alt Nut 16MnCr5 Blank ø60x60 8.0 AgriculturalInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Nut MASTURN 550Info-circled-alt Nut 12050 Blank ø40x50 5.8 Pneumatics, hydraulic system, fittingsInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Nut SP 430Info-circled-alt Nut nerez Bar ø65x75 12.0 AutomationInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
nut SP 280 YInfo-circled-alt nut 42CrMo4 forged piece 184x75x115 184x75x115 4.0 Transport (railways, ships, other)Info-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Cup SP 430Info-circled-alt Cup nerez Bar ø65x35 5.0 AutomationInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
mixer of paints MCV 754 QUICKInfo-circled-alt mixer of paints Al blank 100x50x50 10.0 MedicalInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
carrier MCV 1270 POWERInfo-circled-alt carrier 11523 weldment 550 x 350 x 200 6.0 AgriculturalInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
beam MCV 1000 5AX SPEEDInfo-circled-alt beam Al 100x95x32 95x93x30 18.5 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Adapter MCV 1016 QUICKInfo-circled-alt Adapter 12050 30x30x30 25x24x26 12.1 MiningInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
jet adapter MASTURN 550iInfo-circled-alt jet adapter Ms blank ø 13 4.8 FoodInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
sleeve SP 280Info-circled-alt sleeve Al bar diameter 50 43x53 3.9 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
sleeve SP 280 SMCInfo-circled-alt sleeve Al bar diameter 55 pr.50x43 6.8 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
sleeve MCV 1270 POWERInfo-circled-alt sleeve Al 85x45x20 80x40x15 3.6 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
sleeve MCV 754 QUICKInfo-circled-alt sleeve ocel tř.11 80x23x24 80x23x24 2.0 AutomationInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
rim MULTICUT 500Info-circled-alt rim A1N forged piece pr.650x113 68.0 Transport (railways, ships, other)Info-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
flow limiter SP 180Info-circled-alt flow limiter nerez bar ø 15 1.8 Research and developmentInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
flow limiter SP 180Info-circled-alt flow limiter Plast bar ø 20 2.5 Research and developmentInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Toothed wheel MCU 700V-5X POWERInfo-circled-alt Toothed wheel slit.Al Rolled semi-product pr. 210 x 115 mm 120.0 Research and developmentInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
hinge MCV 1270 POWERInfo-circled-alt hinge Al 130x55x22 125x50x18 3.8 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
hinge MCV 1270 POWERInfo-circled-alt hinge Al 125x55x20 120x50x18 3.5 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
washer MCV 1016 QUICKInfo-circled-alt washer nerez bar ø 45 7.0 FoodInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Plate MASTURN 54Info-circled-alt Plate 11600 Blank ø50x15 5.0 MiningInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
washer MASTURN 50Info-circled-alt washer Ms Bar ø40x20 3.8 EnergyInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
washer MCV 754 QUICKInfo-circled-alt washer ocel tř.11 30x20x15 25x15x11 2.0 AutomationInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
washer MCV 1000 POWERInfo-circled-alt washer slit.Al 30x30x25 28x24x19 1.0 EnergyInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
washer MCV 750 SPEEDInfo-circled-alt washer slit.Al block 42x30x12 1.0 Various part productionInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Conical washer MASTURN 54Info-circled-alt Conical washer 12050 Bar ø65x80 6.2 AutomationInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Feeder MCV 1000 POWERInfo-circled-alt Feeder 12050 block 40x65x95 68.0 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Feeder MCV 1000 POWERInfo-circled-alt Feeder tř.15 block 15x130x150 100.0 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Pocket MASTURN 54Info-circled-alt Pocket Al blank ø45x45 9.0 FoodInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
pocket SP 280 SMCInfo-circled-alt pocket Al bar diameter 60 30x60x18 10.4 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Pocket MASTURN 550Info-circled-alt Pocket 11523 Blank ø70x350 8.9 MiningInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
right side MCV 754 QUICKInfo-circled-alt right side 35x16x5 34x15x3,5 4.9 ElectrotechnicalInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
penetration SP 280 SMCInfo-circled-alt penetration Al bar diameter 50 33x33x18 2.9 ElectrotechnicalInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
lever MCV 1270 POWERInfo-circled-alt lever 100x50x40 93x35x45 20.9 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
lever MCV 1270 POWERInfo-circled-alt lever Al 75x45x10 70x40x5 4.2 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
lever MCV 1270 POWERInfo-circled-alt lever 12050 200x45x15 195x40x12 7.4 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
lever MCV 1270 POWERInfo-circled-alt lever 12050 120x35x50 117x32x45 26.5 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
piston MCV 1000 POWERInfo-circled-alt piston ČSN13240 D16x55 D15x52 7.0 EnergyInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Piston MASTURN 54Info-circled-alt Piston 12050 Blank ø90x70 20.5 Various part productionInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Piston rod MASTURN 550Info-circled-alt Piston rod 13220 Bar ø50 6.0 Pneumatics, hydraulic system, fittingsInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Reducer MASTURN 820i / 2000Info-circled-alt Reducer 15423 Blank ø70x300 22.0 MiningInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Reducer MASTURN 54Info-circled-alt Reducer nerez Bar ø15x50 4.0 AutomationInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
preparation MCV 1016 QUICKInfo-circled-alt preparation 50x50x78 49x49x75 20.8 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Flange MASTURN 550Info-circled-alt Flange 12050 Blank ø310x25 25.0 Transport (railways, ships, other)Info-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Flange MASTURN 54Info-circled-alt Flange nerez Bar ø20x20 3.8 AutomationInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
flange SP 430 Y / 2Info-circled-alt flange 11416 ø310x65 ø305x60 11.0 Transport (railways, ships, other)Info-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Threaded flange S 80Info-circled-alt Threaded flange nerez Bar ø38x45 5.4 AutomationInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Downpressure disk MULTICUT 500Info-circled-alt Downpressure disk A1N forged piece pr.476x59 66.0 Transport (railways, ships, other)Info-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
frame MCV 754 QUICKInfo-circled-alt frame Al board 320x220x10 45.0 ElectrotechnicalInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
frame MCV 1270 POWERInfo-circled-alt frame Al 50x40x10 45x37x8 2.4 ElectrotechnicalInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
frame MCV 1270 POWERInfo-circled-alt frame Al 130x135x15 223x132x10 28.5 ElectrotechnicalInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
slide MCV 1000 5AX SPEEDInfo-circled-alt slide Al 130x90x55 125x85x53 24.8 ElectrotechnicalInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Drive box MCU 700VT-5X SPRINTInfo-circled-alt Drive box cast piece pr. 560 x 210 mm 118.0 AerospaceInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Reductor box MCU 700VT-5X SPRINTInfo-circled-alt Reductor box cast piece pr. 480 x 368 mm 115.0 AerospaceInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Box MCV 754 QUICKInfo-circled-alt Box Al Cast piece 100 x 130 x 45 3.5 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
clutch SP 430 MCInfo-circled-alt clutch hliník bar pr.35x3000 1.0 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Coupling MCV 750 SPEEDInfo-circled-alt Coupling 11600 Block 35x25x12 7.0 MiningInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
clutch MASTURN 54Info-circled-alt clutch 17022 Bar ø48x15 8.0 Research and developmentInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
clutch MCV 754 QUICKInfo-circled-alt clutch ocel tř.11 120x35x20 115x32x10 5.0 AutomationInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
clutch MCV 754 QUICKInfo-circled-alt clutch mosaz 90x50x50 87x50x50 3.0 FoodInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Coupling SP 280Info-circled-alt Coupling 12050 ø55x60 ø53x57 5.0 Transport (railways, ships, other)Info-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Coupling S 80Info-circled-alt Coupling nerez Bar ø45x55 9.8 AutomationInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Coupling MASTURN 54Info-circled-alt Coupling nerez Bar ø30x50 8.2 AutomationInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Coupling of the hose MASTURN 550Info-circled-alt Coupling of the hose Al blank ø45x80 4.5 FoodInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
coupling of the hose MASTURN 50Info-circled-alt coupling of the hose Ms Blank ø35x28 5.1 EnergyInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
coupling of the hydraulic system MASTURN 50Info-circled-alt coupling of the hydraulic system Al Blank ø40x40 7.0 EnergyInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Half cut coupling MCV 750 SPEEDInfo-circled-alt Half cut coupling Al block ø120x110 40.0 FoodInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
angular coupling MCV 754 QUICKInfo-circled-alt angular coupling Al block 90x80x70 35.0 MiningInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Coupling – lower part MASTURN 54Info-circled-alt Coupling – lower part 12050 Bar ø51x6 5.5 Research and developmentInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Coupling – upper part MASTURN 54Info-circled-alt Coupling – upper part 12050 Bar ø51x15 12.0 Research and developmentInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Clamp MCV 1000 SPEEDInfo-circled-alt Clamp Al Block 70x70x30 18.5 AutomationInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Adjusting bolt MASTURN 550Info-circled-alt Adjusting bolt 11600 Blank ø35x230 13.0 Transport (railways, ships, other)Info-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Adjusting bolt MASTURN 54Info-circled-alt Adjusting bolt nerez Bar ø25x110 14.6 AutomationInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Adjusting bolt S 80Info-circled-alt Adjusting bolt nerez Bar ø20x55 4.7 AutomationInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Stand MCV 500 QUICKInfo-circled-alt Stand S355 160x130x110 150x122x96 93.0 Pneumatics, hydraulic system, fittingsInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
stand SP 280Info-circled-alt stand Plast bar diameter 40 pr.37x82 4.2 ElectrotechnicalInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Wiping ring MASTURN 70 / 4500Info-circled-alt Wiping ring ocelolitina Blank 50 50.0 EnergyInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Wiping ring MASTURN 70 / 4500Info-circled-alt Wiping ring ocelolitina Blank 50 50.0 EnergyInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Wiping ring MASTURN 70 / 4500Info-circled-alt Wiping ring ocelolitina Blank 40 45.0 EnergyInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Centre of rear náby MASTURN 50Info-circled-alt Centre of rear náby Al blank ø60x150 17.5 Transport (railways, ships, other)Info-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Beam M56x3 MASTURN 550Info-circled-alt Beam M56x3 tř.15 blank ø55x340 20.0 Transport (railways, ships, other)Info-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
T - tube MCV 1016 QUICKInfo-circled-alt T - tube cast piece 89 x 74 0.0 Various part productionInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Plate of rear wheel MASTURN 50Info-circled-alt Plate of rear wheel Al blank ø130x30 10.0 Transport (railways, ships, other)Info-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
vibration damper MCV 1000 POWERInfo-circled-alt vibration damper ocel tř.15 cast piece 295x185x245 1.0 EnergyInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
torso of the body MCU 700V-5X SPRINTInfo-circled-alt torso of the body slit.Al Rolled semi-product pr. 180x250 mm 36.0 Manufacturing of mouldsInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Drift MASTURN 32Info-circled-alt Drift nerez Blank ø45x80 8.0 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Drift MASTURN 32Info-circled-alt Drift nerez Blank ø35x60 10.0 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Drift MASTURN 32Info-circled-alt Drift nerez Blank ø35x60 10.0 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Drift MASTURN 32Info-circled-alt Drift nerez Blank ø35x60 10.0 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Drift MASTURN 32Info-circled-alt Drift nerez Blank ø18x40 5.0 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Drift MASTURN 32Info-circled-alt Drift nerez Blank ø22x190 7.0 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Drift MASTURN 32Info-circled-alt Drift nerez Blank ø18x100 4.0 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
nozzle MASTURN 550iInfo-circled-alt nozzle Cu bar ø10 3.4 FoodInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
nozzle MASTURN 50Info-circled-alt nozzle Ms Blank ø13x60 8.0 EnergyInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Jet MASTURN 550iInfo-circled-alt Jet nerez hexagon 8 2.4 FoodInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Shaped form MCV 1000 POWERInfo-circled-alt Shaped form Al block 30x80x200 45.0 Manufacturing of mouldsInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Shaped ring MASTURN 550Info-circled-alt Shaped ring 11600 Blank ø45x45 9.3 Transport (railways, ships, other)Info-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
draw bar SP 280 SMCInfo-circled-alt draw bar 12050 bar diameter 25 pr.24x60 6.5 Tool shop, toolsInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
draw bar MCV 1270 POWERInfo-circled-alt draw bar mosaz 45x25x25 40x18x22 4.5 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
draw bar SP 280 SMCInfo-circled-alt draw bar 14220 bar diameter 40 pr.38x75 9.9 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
body MCV 1000 5AX SPEEDInfo-circled-alt body 14220 95x65x75 90x60x68 22.3 EnergyInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
body MCV 1000 5AX SPEEDInfo-circled-alt body Al 115x110x60 112x105x58 42.1 EnergyInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
body MCV 754 QUICKInfo-circled-alt body slit.Al cast piece 80 x 80 x 145 2.0 ElectrotechnicalInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
body MCV 754 QUICKInfo-circled-alt body grey iron cast piece pr.150 x 150 3.5 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
body MCV 1000 POWERInfo-circled-alt body slit.Al 47x20x25 45x19x18 2.0 EnergyInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
body MCV 1000 POWERInfo-circled-alt body slit.Al 55x40x25 53x37x18 4.0 EnergyInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
body MCV 1000 POWERInfo-circled-alt body slit.Al D200x50 D198x40 40.0 EnergyInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
body MCV 1000 POWERInfo-circled-alt body slit.Al D210x55 D206x44 1.0 EnergyInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
body MCV 750 SPEEDInfo-circled-alt body slit.Al block 100x85x35 8.0 Various part productionInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
body 2 MCV 1000 5AX SPEEDInfo-circled-alt body 2 Al 125x95x60 123x90x58 27.6 EnergyInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
engine body MASTURN 820i / 2000Info-circled-alt engine body slit.Al cast piece Al pr.250x335 12.0 ElectrotechnicalInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Body of exhausting pump MCU 700VT-5X SPRINTInfo-circled-alt Body of exhausting pump Cast piece ø150x100 10.0 AerospaceInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
cutter body MCV 1000 POWERInfo-circled-alt cutter body slit.Al 160x65x50 154x60x40 14.0 EnergyInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Body of the pressure pump MCU 700VT-5X SPRINTInfo-circled-alt Body of the pressure pump Cast piece ø150x100 10.0 AerospaceInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
pump body MCV 1016 QUICKInfo-circled-alt pump body slit.Al cast piece 165 x 150 x 75 35.0 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
body of the coupling SP 430Info-circled-alt body of the coupling grey iron cast piece 160x200x180 15.0 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
carrying unit SP 280 SMCInfo-circled-alt carrying unit Al bar diameter 25 pr.24x20 3.4 Tool shop, toolsInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
clamping nut MCV 1270 POWERInfo-circled-alt clamping nut ČSN15142 block 78x56x43 15.0 Machine Tools productionInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
clamp MCV 1270 POWERInfo-circled-alt clamp Al 165x50x25 160x45x22 7.2 Tool shop, toolsInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
wagon axle SPH 50Info-circled-alt wagon axle A1N grilled forged piece pr.199x2216 13.8 Transport (railways, ships, other)Info-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
wagon axle SPH 50 DInfo-circled-alt wagon axle A1N tooled with addings for finishing pr.195x2216 13.5 Transport (railways, ships, other)Info-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
cam SP 280 SMCInfo-circled-alt cam Al bar diameter 40 pr.35x38 3.4 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
cam MCV 1270 POWERInfo-circled-alt cam 110x100x15 107x95x10 12.5 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
VBD plate MCU 700V-5X SPRINTInfo-circled-alt VBD plate 12050 150x150x150 48.0 Manufacturing of mouldsInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
guiding MCV 1270 POWERInfo-circled-alt guiding Al 270x70x20 265x67x15 14.7 ElectrotechnicalInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
guiding MCV 1000 5AX SPEEDInfo-circled-alt guiding Al 145x90x60 140x85x54 53.2 ElectrotechnicalInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
guiding MCV 750 SPEEDInfo-circled-alt guiding slit.Al block 104x50x25 5.0 Various part productionInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
guiding MCV 750 SPEEDInfo-circled-alt guiding slit.Al "V" profile 100x90x34 1.0 Various part productionInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
valve SP 180Info-circled-alt valve nerez bar ø 15 2.0 Research and developmentInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
intert into tool MCU 700V-5X SPEEDInfo-circled-alt intert into tool 1.2343 spur 180x85x110 170x75x100 719.8 Tool shop, toolsInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Plug  FAB HITURN 65 10XInfo-circled-alt Plug FAB mosaz Section bar L=1500 33x16 4.5 Various part productionInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Guiding element MCV 754 QUICKInfo-circled-alt Guiding element Al block 100x100x40 25.0 ElectrotechnicalInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
guide MCV 754 QUICKInfo-circled-alt guide Al Cast piece 110x100x4 0.45 AerospaceInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
drilling head MCV 1016 QUICKInfo-circled-alt drilling head tř.17 forged piece 300 x 100 12.0 MiningInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
drawer MCV 1270 POWERInfo-circled-alt drawer Al 135x80x25 130x77x20 5.5 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Cap MASTURN 70 / 3000Info-circled-alt Cap Al cast piece ø770x130 80.0 Transport (railways, ships, other)Info-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
cap MCV 754 QUICKInfo-circled-alt cap 25x22x6 21,5x20x5 5.7 ElectrotechnicalInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
cap MCV 754 QUICKInfo-circled-alt cap Al block 160x120x25 10.0 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
cap SP 280 SMCInfo-circled-alt cap mosaz diameter 140x20 pr.135x15 12.4 ElectrotechnicalInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
cap SP 280Info-circled-alt cap mosaz 85x27 83x25 11.1 EnergyInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
cap MCV 1270 POWERInfo-circled-alt cap Plast 125x65x35 120x60x30 4.8 EnergyInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Cap MCV 754 QUICKInfo-circled-alt Cap Al Cast piece 250 x 150 x80 4.0 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Cap MCV 754 QUICKInfo-circled-alt Cap Al - 300x150x3 5.0 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Cap MCV 1016 QUICKInfo-circled-alt Cap 12050 45x12x115 44x7x111 14.9 ElectrotechnicalInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Cap of hydraulic cube MCV 1000 POWERInfo-circled-alt Cap of hydraulic cube Block 120x90x32 18.0 Pneumatics, hydraulic system, fittingsInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
gear cap MMC 1500 DTInfo-circled-alt gear cap grey iron cast piece 300 x 435 x 30 20.0 AgriculturalInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
cap SP 280 SMCInfo-circled-alt cap mosaz bar diameter 50 pr.46x15 3.6 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
cap SP 280 SMCInfo-circled-alt cap nerez diameter 95x40 pr.90x30 7.9 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
cap MCV 1270 POWERInfo-circled-alt cap Al 85x55x12 80x50x10 6.1 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
coupling cap SP 430Info-circled-alt coupling cap grey iron cast piece D205x35 3.0 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
exhaust flange MCV 1000 5AX SPEEDInfo-circled-alt exhaust flange grey iron cast piece 560x90x80 7.0 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Spindle MASTURN 50Info-circled-alt Spindle 12050 Blank ø50x750 300.0 MiningInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Spindle MASTURN 50Info-circled-alt Spindle 12050 Blank 65x1000 400.0 MiningInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
SP 430 Y / 2 LT+L2Info-circled-alt spindle 1.4021 ø70x1500 ø60x1500 26.0 Transport (railways, ships, other)Info-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
spindle SP 280 YInfo-circled-alt spindle 42CrMo4 forged piece 89x432 89x432 4.5 Transport (railways, ships, other)Info-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Testing bar M16 SP 180Info-circled-alt Testing bar M16 12050 20x20x110 16x110 2.5 Research and developmentInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Testing bar M20 SP 180Info-circled-alt Testing bar M20 12050 25x25x130 20x130 3.6 Research and developmentInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Base MCV 1016 QUICKInfo-circled-alt Base AL 6082 130x75x45 125x71x40 39.0 Tool shop, toolsInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
base MCV 754 QUICKInfo-circled-alt base 25x20x12 19,5x16x9,5 11.9 ElectrotechnicalInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
base MCV 1000 5AX SPEEDInfo-circled-alt base Al 130x105x75 125x100x73 47.9 ElectrotechnicalInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
base 2 MCV 1000 5AX SPEEDInfo-circled-alt base 2 Al 130x115x90 125x110x87 52.5 ElectrotechnicalInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
arrester SP 280 SMCInfo-circled-alt arrester mosaz bar diameter 40 pr.37x35 2.5 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
arrester MCV 1016 QUICKInfo-circled-alt arrester 14220 forged piece 100 x 80 x 60 2.5 MiningInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
arrester SP 280 SMCInfo-circled-alt arrester 12050 bar diameter 30 24x50 7.8 EnergyInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Threaded tube MASTURN 32Info-circled-alt Threaded tube nerez Tube ø42x50 1.8 AutomationInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Hinge MCV 754 QUICKInfo-circled-alt Hinge Al kovaný Board 40 x 20 x 300 20.0 AerospaceInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Jaw MCV 754 QUICKInfo-circled-alt Jaw 12050 Block 30x50x130 19.0 MiningInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Pin MASTURN 550Info-circled-alt Pin 12050 blank ø73x120 23.5 FoodInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Pin SPU 20Info-circled-alt Pin 11600 Blank ø50x120 7.0 AgriculturalInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Pin MASTURN 32Info-circled-alt Pin 11600 Blank ø23x110 6.0 Various part productionInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Pin MASTURN 550Info-circled-alt Pin 12050 Blank ø25x70 6.0 MiningInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
pin MASTURN 550Info-circled-alt pin nerez blank ø 45x70 7.0 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
pin MASTURN 50Info-circled-alt pin 12050 Bar ø20x33 3.8 EnergyInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
roller MCU 700V-5X POWERInfo-circled-alt roller ocel tř.15 - pr.180x180 32.0 MiningInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
roller teeth MCU 700V-5X POWERInfo-circled-alt roller teeth ocel tř.15 - pr.180x180 18.0 MiningInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Worm MASTURN 550Info-circled-alt Worm Ms blank ø33x40 9.0 MiningInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Worm MASTURN 50Info-circled-alt Worm 12050 blank ø 35x180 12.0 AutomotiveInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Worm MASTURN 32Info-circled-alt Worm 12050 Blank ø30x35 7.8 AutomationInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Worm MASTURN 70 / 2000Info-circled-alt Worm Plast Bar ø70x350 20.0 FoodInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Worm MASTURN 70 / 2000Info-circled-alt Worm Plast Bar ø200x800 68.0 FoodInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Bolt MASTURN 32Info-circled-alt Bolt Ms blank ø18x40 5.0 Machine Tools productionInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Bolt MASTURN 54Info-circled-alt Bolt 11600 Bar ø12x12 2.0 AutomationInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Bolt MASTURN 32Info-circled-alt Bolt Al Bar ø13x20 3.4 AutomationInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Bolt MASTURN 32Info-circled-alt Bolt 11600 Blank ø17x26 5.0 Various part productionInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Bolt MASTURN 70 / 2000Info-circled-alt Bolt 11600 Bar ø40x1650 28.0 FoodInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Bolt MASTURN 54Info-circled-alt Bolt nerez Bar ø38x75 7.5 AutomationInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Bolt - prolongation MASTURN 54Info-circled-alt Bolt - prolongation nerez Blank ø42x90 8.9 AutomationInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Threaded penetration MASTURN 54Info-circled-alt Threaded penetration nerez Bar ø45x35 7.8 AutomationInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Bolted joint MASTURN 54Info-circled-alt Bolted joint nerez Bar ø22x45 7.0 AutomationInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
worm MASTURN 550Info-circled-alt worm Plast bar ø 50x60 9.0 MiningInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
worm MASTURN 50Info-circled-alt worm tř.17 Blank ø50x160 47.0 MiningInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
worm MASTURN 550iInfo-circled-alt worm nerez D16x75 D15x70 6.0 FoodInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
bolt MASTURN 550Info-circled-alt bolt Ms bar ø 20x30 2.3 MiningInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
bolt MASTURN 550Info-circled-alt bolt Ms bar ø 20x40 2.8 MiningInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
bolt MASTURN 50Info-circled-alt bolt nerez Bar ø23x30 2.9 Transport (railways, ships, other)Info-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
bolt MASTURN 50Info-circled-alt bolt nerez Bar ø40x35 5.0 Transport (railways, ships, other)Info-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
bolt MASTURN 50Info-circled-alt bolt Al hexagon 40x30 4.9 EnergyInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
screw with hole MASTURN 50Info-circled-alt screw with hole nerez Bar ø35x12 3.2 Transport (railways, ships, other)Info-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
threaded closure SP 180Info-circled-alt threaded closure Plast bar ø 20 2.5 Research and developmentInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
threading MASTURN 50Info-circled-alt threading Al Blank ø35x135 12.0 EnergyInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
threading MASTURN 50Info-circled-alt threading Ms Blank ø35x65 5.5 EnergyInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
threading MASTURN 50Info-circled-alt threading Ms Bar ø25x30 5.0 EnergyInfo-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
Threaded joint CNG HITURN 65 10XInfo-circled-alt Threaded joint CNG bar Ø 55 Ø 55 - 100 8.0 Transport (railways, ships, other)Info-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece
iron wheel MMC 1500 POWERInfo-circled-alt iron wheel 42CrMo4 cast piece pr.765 x 160 12.0 Transport (railways, ships, other)Info-circled-alt Display detail Detail of work piece